Virtual Mini Symposium: Recent Discoveries on Aroids of South-East Asia

Wong Sin Yeng, Peter Boyce, Nguyen Van Dzu, Mark Arcebal K. Naive

Note: The symposium will be recorded and will be available to rewatch in the members area after a few weeks. Members of the Aroid Society of Australia will also get the chance to rewatch the symposium.

We’re proud to announce our first virtual symposium: Recent discoveries on aroids of South-East Asia! Join us Saturday 26th of November at 11 AM CET / 8 PM AEST on Zoom to hear some of the most important aroid botanists of Asia talk about new discoveries and revelations in the scientific community.

This event is only open to members of the European Aroid Society or Aroid Society of Australia via Zoom. The link to the Zoom meeting will be distributed 5 days before the event.


11:00 – 12:00 Revisiting the chaos – and The Shape of Things to Come by Wong Sin Yeng & Peter Boyce 

12:00 – 12:15 Break

12:15 – 12:45 Recent Discoveries on Aroids of Vietnam: Period 2017 – 2022 by Nguyen Van Dzu 

12:45 – 13:00 Break

13:00 – 13:30 Marc Arcebal K. Naive

Unfortunately the talk by Marc Arcebal K. Naive has been cancelled due to personal circumstances. A new date will be arranged.

About the speakers

Wong Sin Yeng and Peter Boyce are aroid botanists who have dedicated the larger part of the last two decades to understanding the taxonomy of enigmatic Asian aroids. Together they have described hundreds of new species and several genera in the process. Peter Boyce currently holds a research position at the University of Florence, and Wong Sin Yeng is an associate professor at the Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation at the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak and associate researcher at Harvard University. Not only renowned scientists, they are also field botanists and nurserymen. They take care of their own scientific collection of 3000 living plants on Borneo, most of which are grown no where else in the world.

Nguyen Van Dzu is a Vietnamese botanist working at the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR) in Hanoi, Vietnam. His work, focusing mostly on native aroids, contains dozens of new discoveries and descriptions. In particular, Van Dzu has worked a lot on the genus Typhonium

Marc Arcebal K. Naive is a Philippine botanist who has contributed to many taxonomic discoveries in his country and elsewhere in recent years. Marc is affiliated with several universities, including the Jose Rizal Memorial State University where he is an instructor. Although not particularly focused on aroids, his recent publications include several discoveries of CryptocoryneAlocasia, Typhonium and Amorphophallus.